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Promoting resistance to government and their services when these are not fact-based and/or go against the principles of integrity and transparency.
Read the case
Maurice website ipad

Promoting resistance to government and their services when these are not fact-based and/or go against the principles of integrity and transparency.
Read the case Maurice website ipad


A workable solution to the corona pandemic.
SmartExit laptop


A workable solution to the corona pandemic.
SmartExit laptop
Maurice de Hond logo

From celebrated thought leader to persona non grata (and back again)

MDH Corona Journal

Fabienne de Vries and Maurice de Hond discuss four or five important blogs each week in the MDH Corona Journal.
Visit Youtube channel

“Ever since I learned to read, I've been curious and a news junkie.”

Quote from the autobiography
"Those who are afraid will also be beaten."
Lees het PR bericht

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Online Marketing Agency Amsterdam
Online Marketing Agency Amsterdam
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Keizersgracht 555 1017 DR Amsterdam